The Journal

Lucy Madeleine Lucy Madeleine

How to turn your garden into the space you want: Part 2

Part 2: Common Pitfalls

by Sasha Blacker, Garden Designer

Following on from Part 1, you may have created a plan for your garden and experimented with space, styles and planting combinations.

Next up, you will want to get started on transforming your garden. But before you do, I have a few tips on avoiding common pitfalls and getting the most out of your project.

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Growing Cut Flowers from Seed

by Carolyn Dunster, Botanical Stylist and Writer

We need flowers now more than ever. In my book they are not a luxury – they are a life-affirming necessity that nourish the soul. With florist shops under lockdown and supermarket flowers in short supply the answer is to grow your own and the timing is perfect.

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Indoor gardening: How to create a terrarium

by Kathryn Speakman

Indoor gardening can be done in the smallest of spaces, whether it’s a simple collection of herbs or houseplants.

Different types of terrarium can be created but I think the most fascinating are the sealed variety; mini eco systems in which we get to observe the cycle of nature with the added bonus of needing virtually no maintenance.

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Lucy Madeleine Lucy Madeleine

The Kitchen Garden

by Erica Coutable

It’s that time of year where kitchen gardeners everywhere are busy sowing seeds. Every year I grow onions, shallots, garlic, carrot, parsnip, beans, courgette, spinach, beetroot, tomato and cucumber. More often than not we will pop in the odd pumpkin or butternut squash. In the allotment we have globe artichokes, strawberries, a wide variety of fruit and a grapevine. I think we have it down now but it’s taken many years of trial and error.

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Lucy Madeleine Lucy Madeleine

How to turn your garden into the space you want: Part 1

Part 1: Planning & Experimenting

by Sasha Blacker, Garden Designer

Having spent extra time at home over Easter, you might have decided that your garden needs attention. It may no longer meet your needs. It may be feeling neglected and need freshening up. From a garden design perspective, I have some tips on how to turn your garden into a usable and attractive space even if money and resources are limited.

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Lucy Madeleine Lucy Madeleine

The Diary of a Gardener: Part 2

Growing our own Potatoes

The humble potato is a staple for many meals. Boiled, mashed, baked, chips, crisps – there are so many different ways to eat them. I have honestly never planted as many or as quickly as I have this week at the allotment; normally I spread the planting over a few weeks. It really was a case of ‘get them in the ground ASAP’ given that there is a possibility that we won’t be able to leave the house to put them in another time.

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Lucy Madeleine Lucy Madeleine

Create your own Micro Garden

Extraordinary times present new opportunities. And if you are keen to green your home environment but are short on space, then consider the micro-garden. With imagination and creativity you can turn the smallest of spaces - balcony, paved courtyard, side return - into your own little paradise.

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Lucy Madeleine Lucy Madeleine

Home Schooling & Sowing Seeds

Getting children into gardening: My two children have been gardening since they were toddlers and decided to put a video together to show how we sprinkle and rake seeds into the soil each year.

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Lucy Madeleine Lucy Madeleine

The Diary of a Gardener: Part 1

Under normal circumstances, this week would be an absolute delight for a gardener. Except we find ourselves in trying and unusual circumstances and while nature is ploughing on ahead, we are finding things are more challenging.

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