What’s this all about?

We started The Great British Garden Show to celebrate the nation’s gardens and home gardeners, bringing joy at a time when we need it most.


In light of many gardening events unfortunately being cancelled this year, we thought we’d create a ‘virtual’ garden show to celebrate gardeners across the UK.

We will be sharing tours of your gardens for everyone to enjoy, offering gardening hints & tips, and helping you to feel more positive at this time. Let’s come together and share the beauty of the seasons in our gardens, without having to leave the house.

Whilst many of us will be spending the coming months cocooned in our homes, and some of us don’t have access to a garden, it’s the perfect opportunity to appreciate gardens across the UK and watch them bloom throughout Spring and Summer, virtually.

We’ll be showcasing your wonderful gardens in our Garden Show, getting hints and tips from experts over on our Blog and much more.

Join us in bringing joy and building community through gardening!

Wishing you a peaceful Spring at this time.


If you would like to find out more about the people behind The Great British Garden Show, click here