A bit more about us.


Lucy Scott (Garrard-Abrahams)

Founder & Creator of The Great British Garden Show

I grew up learning about gardens and nature from my Dad (many an hour was spent in garden centres or bird hides as a child!) and it’s his passion and enthusiasm for gardening which has inspired me to start The Great British Garden Show.

Sadly I don’t have a garden at the moment, but I do live in a lovely little flat (soon to be filled with as many house plants as possible…) in Hampshire with my fiancé and I’m enjoying living vicariously through all your wonderful gardens that you’re sending in to us, so thank you.

Any expert advice is from our wonderful volunteer gardening team and our Chief Gardener, Richard (aka ‘Dad’) who you’ll meet below.

I’m so excited about what we’re creating with the Garden Show and I hope it will bring joy and inspiration to you all at this time.

5 Little Things About Me:

  • Passionate about nature for wellbeing and mental health.

  • Advocate for organic, sustainable, farm-to-table food.

  • Always find joy in the simple things.

  • Classical pianist and lover of jazz.

  • Was about to launch my own marketing business for small, sustainable brands as the current situation unfolded. Luckily, I stumbled into creating this show and I’m having a wonderful time!

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Richard Abrahams

Chief Gardener

Passionate about organic and wildlife-friendly gardening, Richard has his own gardening business based in Romsey, Hampshire.

He’s also a fantastic jazz pianist so when he’s not in the garden or cooking up a storm in the kitchen, you’ll find him at the piano.

Not one for the spotlight, Richard is enjoying being our behind-the-scenes chief gardening expert. You’ll see him pop up occasionally with advice, tips and ideas for fellow gardeners alongside our volunteer gardening team who we’ll be sharing more about in the coming weeks.

Head over to the Garden Show